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Ingredient lists, nutritional information and serving instructions are provided for each item when you click on the more info button. Pop-ups are also provided when you hover over an icon on each item page.

To simplify your search, click to sort the menu to your preferences. Sort by meal type (Entree, Sides, Breakfasts, Desserts, Boosters),
sort by points, or sort by dietary tag (low calorie, low carb, gluten free).

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Cook on the stove top Cook on the Stove.
Cook in the oven Cook in the Oven.
Cook in the microwaveCook in the Microwave.
Cook in the crock potCook in the Crock Pot.
Cook on the grillCook on the Grill.
 No Cooking Required  No Cooking Required.

Cooking time approximately 5 minutes

Approximate Cooking Time in minutes (in this example it's 5 minutes).

Cooking time approximately 8 hours

 Approximate Cooking Time in hours (in this example it's 8 hours).
Low Carb Low Carb, item has under 10 carbohydrates per serving.
Low Calorie Low Calorie, entree has under 400 calories per serving.
Gluten FreeGluten Free, item is made with no gluten products.
Orange Booster Orange Booster: high fiber, anti-oxidants, vitamins C, E and B, high in carotenes, calcium, potassium, iron, folate, omega-3 fatty acids. See Nutrient Boosters page for full details.
Green Booster Green Booster: high in beta carotene, high protein, high fiber, Vitamins A, C, K, E and B, potassium, iron, calcium. folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids (ALA). omega-6 fatty acids. linoleic acid. See Nutrient Boosters page for full details.
Yellow Booster Yellow Booster: high in fiber, B complex vitamins, manganese, zinc, magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C, potassium, folate, lutein, zeaxanthin. See Nutrient Boosters page for full details.
White Booster White Booster: high protein, high fiber, folate, tryptophan, magnesium, iron, potassium, manganese. See Nutrient Boosters page for full details.
Purple Booster Purple Booster: high fiber, flavonoids, vitamins A & C, zinc, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, lutein. See Nutrient Boosters page for full details.

Family Sized Packaging Standard Family Sized Packaging Standard: This is the default packaging method - usually a pan - that's ideal for busy families on the go.
Single Sized Packaging Available Single Sized Packaging Available: This is an optional packaging method that gives you individually packaged helpings - great for lunches or dinners alone. Portions are usually approximately the same size as the Family Sized Packaging, but may be slightly less in some cases due to additional container costs.
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